Proto-Slavic Concepts
Mammoth & Petroleum Spawned Languages
We live in a world where most of our MATERIAL CULTURE now is made from PETROLEUM. Names of different types of synthetics and plastics and fuels make a big part of our lexicon. In the 19th Century much of the MATERIAL CULTURE and lighting fuel was provided from WHALES....
Mammoth Whisperer
My research into elephants began as I was riding on an African elephant and I asked the mahout about his word for “elephant”. His response sounded very much like the Czech equivalent. However I later realized I heard wrong, but it started my study of the many words for “elephant” all across Eurasia.
Tree of Indo-European languages
Which languages do we find between Latin and Latvian? Which languages are spoken between Gaelic and Greek? Which languages would one find between India and Iceland? No mater how you slice the Proto-Indo-European pie, you always slice through the center of Slovandom.
Mythological beings based on mammoths
Across Africa, America, Asia and Europe there exist substantial similarities in words for the animal – elephant. It is postulated that the onomatopoeic “ZZZAAAN” sound of elephant trumpeting was best preserved in the Mongol word for elephant: zaan.
Words for the animal elephant/mammoth in relation to the DNA genealogy data
The words for elephant in central and western Eurasia, in southern Africa as well as in South East Asia are discussed from a limited linguistic point of view as well genetic and geophysical.
Instrument for measuring linguistic distance between Indo-European languages – Rejected
This method of calculating the linguistic distance between Slavic and other Indo-European languages is original as well as adequate, efficient, elegant and parsimonious.
Across Eurasia the words for “elephant” are remarkably similar – Rejected
In my recent travels through Mongolia and China I was struck by the fact that in Chinese and in Mongol the words for “ELEPHANT” were not very dissimilar from the Slavic word “SLON”.
Numerical rhyme as an instrument measuring time/space between Indo-European languages – Rejected
The definition of Numerical Rhyme for the purposes of this paper is a formula, which calculates the sum of consonants, vowel and (in future work) semi-vowels and palatalizations in a set of numerals from one to ten in a given language.
New understanding of western Eurasia in prehistoric times
For more than a quarter of a century there is a controversy concerning the origins of the Slovenes. There are two camps of scholars dueling with this issue. On the one side are those who are here identified as “Migratory (Invasionist)”. In the other group are those who are here identified as “Autochthonic”.
Base ten counting as the extension of the archetypical base five system of Basques and Slavs
While the rhyme and reason for naming numerals is preserved in Slavic only, other parts of the phonemic structure of the numerals had been largely maintained in all Indo-European languages without the speakers’ understanding of the etymology.
Some novel views on the prehistory of western Eurasia
A new system of understanding the Indo-European languages as “core” and “peripheral” is proposed for the 21st century. Developmental stages during the last 100,000 years are identified, and a paradigm shift is proposed.
A novel view of the origins, development and differentiation of Indo-Europeans
A new division of Indo-European languages as “core” and “peripheral” is proposed. Certain developmental stages are identified. This represents a modest paradigm shift.
The Lord’s Prayer Indicates Slovenians are West Slavs
Counting and/or the Lord’s Prayer as spoken by any Slav can be quite effortlessly understood by any other Slav – no matter how remote in time or space. Within this Slavic linguistic continuum are subtle differences.
A short paper with the proposition that the four elements (earth, water, wind, and fire) plus quintessence were not a Greek invention, but a product of a Slavic mindset. The idea is especially poignant to Slavic peoples contiguous to the Greeks.
Satem/Kentum IČ,IC/K
The ancient Veneti had a character or characters which looked like >l if written (customarily) from right to left (like Hebrew) or like l< if written from left to right (like contemporary languages of Europe). This element could be read as an “IC” or as a “K” .
Four elements of the ancient world as seen through the eyes of ancient Slavs
Empedocles and Aristotle identified the four elements as fire, wind, water, and earth. In modern terms we recognize them as solid, liquid, gas, and ionized gas or plasma.
Linguistic connections between Basques and Slavs (Veneti) in antiquity
The publication of Veneti, naši davni predniki can be compared to igniting of a bonfire to light the darkness, a darkness which correctly describes the written history of the Slovenian people up to that point.
100+ monographs indicating that Slavic tongues are prototypical of all other Indo-European languages
The logic imposed upon this work is rather radial. Like in interstellar space the placement of each item is determined by the placement of other entities. Each item impacts many other items and is impacted in turn by many.
Petr’s Slavic Publications
Most of Petr’s publications are available at the Annual Journals of Slavic Venetological Research
(505) 672-9562
Petr Jandacek
Louise Jandacek
Mailing Address
127 La Senda Road
Los Alamos, New Mexico